Churchyard birds: Autumn migration 2023
Summer is now officially over and a change in the numbers and species that we can expect to see and hear in the churchyard is underway. Unfortunately, due to other commitments it was impossible to undertake a survey of birds breeding in the area this summer, but I hope to address that next year. The…
Churchyard birds: Summer 2023
Summer is well and truly with us, as we can tell by the changeable nature of the weather! And so are the summer migrants with Swifts, Swallows and House Martins swooping high over the churchyard, or low across the surrounding meadows. No sign of a Spotted Flycatcher or Turtle Dove yet, but please come and…
Churchyard birds: Spring migration 2023
The spring migration is underway. What birds have been spotted so far in Corby Glen churchyard?
Churchyard birds
As the seasons change so do the birds that visit our gardens, parks, towns, coasts, and churchyards. One of the wonders of birdwatching is that almost anything unexpected can turn up almost anywhere. This section will always be an evolving work in progress, driven by the seasons. List of birds seen to date Wren Robin…
Churchyard birds: Winter 2022-23
What species of birds have visited the churchyard in the winter of 2022-23?